Personal Experience
Experienced Professional Accountant (FCCA) with commercial & Industrial backgrounds. Past experience in the Cement Industry, Investment, International Trade and Conglomerate Activities with special skill in Negotiation, Business Planning, Marketing, Management, International Relations, Project Development and Mergers & Acquisitions.A dedicated professional with long years of experience in managing private and public listed companies. Appointed as independent board member, currently as Audit Committee Chairman of a listed company.
Designation: Executive Chairman
EGG is currently active in promoting green activities within local communities, NGOs, and interested groups, through programmes where participants are encouraged to be more aware of every opportunity within the home and personal environment where every individual should be able to cut down excess consumption, recycle and then reuse what is usually discarded and treated as waste.
EGG promotes “Circular Economy” working with the concept of zero waste activities & WOW! “Wealth out of Waste” programmes.
The EGG team has been conducting training programmes where household wastes, organic materials are treated with selected microbes, to become effective organic-based detergent/water treatment fluids and the residue are used as composting material for making fertiliser.
EGG is now seeking for more interested participants to learn and be guided on how to use kitchen waste to make multi purpose home made detergent for everyday use & home made fertiliser to grow own food where there is space & enough sunshine for plants to grow around the house and to fill up any vacant land with more useful plants.
Our CSR and training activities can be found in our Website:
Latest activities:
We are promoting the covid-19 PPE apparels for those front liners especially needing protective gear and also nitrile gloves for protection widely used in food preparation beside surgery gloves commonly use in hospitals, clinics and health centres, more so during pandemic of corona virus worldwide.